Sunday, July 31, 2011

Are You Ready For Greatness?

So as all good ideas come about during an all night sewing delirium, Tammy and I decided to start a sewing blog. I'm terrible at blogging personally but if I had accountability I may do better. We were beyond the Stupid Hour and trying to think of names as we were sewing. Here were some of the ideas before we settled on Pincushion, and I will explain how we came about that title. We had: 'Sew Many Projects' but anything with "Sew" in the title is being occupied. We thought "Stupid Hour Sewing" would work but that was taken as well. Tammy in desperation thought of "The Asian in the Basement" and at that point of the morning my speech turned into babble. As I was sewing the $&*$%sucking mermaid bag I was being stabbed by needles, trying not to lose as eye.
Tammy's weekend trip was fast but not furious. After spending the day fighting the crowds at Sea World we came home to accomplishing our sewing goals we cooked up while being stuck in traffic. One thing I was determined to finish was the Mermaid Bag. This is not just any bag, but a magical Mary Poppins bag. I promised Tammy about two years ago that I would make her one and it has haunted me every since. I am happy to report that monkey on my back can quit haunting me. Every time I would see Tammy I would feel guilt for totally flaking out on her magical creation. She picked out the fabric TWO YEARS AGO and luckily I saved it for her. We used the mermaid fabric from Heather Ross' Medicino line. We went on line to see if we could find more and too see how much Tammy owed me for the fabric. One yard went for $79.00! Be impressed that part of my fabric stash is worth big bucks. From now on when my husband gives me a hard time for spending his hard earned money on fabric I will tell him it's an investment, a logic he uses for surfboards.

The point of the blog:
We want to do a project a month, rotating who assigns the project. It can be anything from a handbag to a doll. The ideas are limitless. We will each blog about the process and share our hot tips and of course pictures. We need bragging rights and for you to ohhh and awwww all over our amazingness. I'm still a little delirious from getting 3 hours of sleep but it was totally worth it. Tammy has a new bag and I have one less thing on my sewing to do list.

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